Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Crazy Dog Lady

A few weeks back, on my tour of the house after we had been in it for a whole week, I showed a glimpse of a small bathroom we have near the garage, which I've come to call The Dog Bathroom. Since it's small and unassuming [and not scary to decide on what to do and/or doing it], and I kind of like the original 4x4 ceramic tile, I fairly quickly decided on a color and idea for art on the walls, and got to it!  Last week the room went from this:

To this:

I chose a navy with some green undertones, hoping to make the beige tile less pink.  I don't know if I succeeded in that, but I still like it.  In fact, I love this color [Blue Scottish Loch from Walmart, btw.  I mentioned in the long painting post a while back that I get pretty much all of my paint from Walmart, and I still do!] Then, since it's The Dog Bathroom, I decided that paintings of dogs should grace its walls.  There are 8 paintings, 7 of which I painted, and one that my mom painted in 1978 [and it's of a beagle!  perfect.  It's the one hanging to the left of the sink, above the hand towels].
And there's room to grow, so I have more room for more dog paintings! 

Sooooo...does the fact that I have so many dog paintings, and not just paintings of my own dogs, make me a crazy dog lady?

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