So last Saturday, the 8th of March, we officially moved in! It's still a work in progress, with most but not all of the boxes unpacked, but we're getting there. Just so you can follow along and see it shape up [and so when rooms are finished sometime in the future it'll seem all the more impressive] here's how we looked as of Saturday March 15!

the kitchen, back splash all grouted, new light fixture, and everything all put away. I had to focus on the kitchen first, so I wouldn't go totally insane and end up having to move to completely start over. I need order in the kitchen, first and foremost. [still completely enamored with my new light!!] ...have I shown you our new kitchen table yet? I can't remember.... either way, I love it too. It's vintage, super heavy and sturdy, comfy, and definitely mid-century. When I decide to get my act together, those chairs will be recovered, and it will be perfect. [also, I found very cool bar stools, which apparently are hard to find, unless you want to pay a million dollars, and as soon as the temperatures are more consistently warmer, they'll get a fresh coat of paint]
looking the other way, the room that went unnamed for the intro post, but we have - for now, anyway - named the Magnitude room. [because with the new gray built ins, the fun stuff I'll style the shelves with, and when the ceiling gets its coat of white paint, will definitely Pop. Part of Magnitude's catch phrase. We're TV nerds.]
From the kitchen, you can see into the dining room, and straight to our TV [which also means we can kind of be adults and eat at a real table for dinner, but still kind of kids, because it's obviously better to watch TV while eating] Aaaaand from this vantage point all I can see are two light fixtures that must GET. OUT. OF. MY. HOUSE.
The living room is livable, with our new couch all set up [which arrived broken, and explains why there is a massive amount of cardboard in there for now; once we get the info back from the company where we bought it, we have to ship it back in its original packaging. It also kind of smells like cabbage....I'm assuming that's unrelated but I thought I'd throw that out there. At least it's pretty.] Brandon mounted the TV above the fireplace, and it looks amaaaazing so far! we have to wrangle the cords, but I'm definitely in love with it.
I need more lamps.
[you can kind of see the bent leg on the bottom right; Brandon was able to bend it mostly back, and since we're short people we don't put too much pressure on it.... I'm still pretty annoyed by it all.]
my beauty :)

the dining room is getting there; I just need to put everything away [and save up some $ to replace the ugly light with something gorgeous] Side note - we bought that table, chairs and buffet when we first moved to Farmington 7 years ago. It was $250 and probably my favorite vintage furniture purchase ever.
Here's the hall bath, still beige. I did put a few of my succulents in there the day we moved, just to sit them down to be safe, but I like them there. It's nice :) I have a few ideas to freshen up the space a bit in the near future, even though I want to chisel out allllll of the tile, but it'll be cute soon. Stay tuned.

My office, in progress. Not completely put away, but definitely works! At least my desk is in order, and I can get some work done.
Brandon's office, which has to be our router station for now, until I can run a phone line across the hall into mine. [super tricky to photograph this room; that one tiny window in the corner, and completely dark everywhere else]
Our room is kinda shaping up [also super tricky to photograph this room...] And it's gonna be where the elliptical lives [not ideal, but better than in the living room] Since Saturday I'm trying out some new lamps, and I put some art out, but it's all still evolving.
Master Bath. Still beige. Paint going up soon [I just have to settle on what color....which sometimes it's really easy to know, but in this case, it's super tough.], but like with the hall bath, I just want to take out the tile. And the faucets. And the shower faucet. And the light fixture...]
Our closet is full, but I need to actually utilize all of the shelves & drawers we have available...
my laundry room, with my new fancy washer & dryer! All of the stuff that is out should really be put away.... later.
And another bathroom that I think I left off the intro post! It's across the hall from the laundry room, and just off the garage entrance. I love this tiny bathroom. The tile is original, and there's a low tub in there too [also in the beige-y color. Oddly enough, this beige I'm totally cool with... probably because I know it's vintage. That tends to sway my thoughts about stuff.] The tub has a little handheld shower, and so I started calling it The Dog Bathroom, since that's where the pups will get their baths. Since I called it that, I decided I'm going to put dog artwork in there, starting with a little 8x10 acrylic study I did before doing the official Stella painting, and more will be going in soon, after I paint the walls. It's cute ;)
I love it Megan! I actually totally agree that the TV should have been mounted above the fireplace after seeing the set up. PLUS you have additional fireplaces to create stylish mantle vignettes. Jelly. And why didn't I know you have an EAMES chair and ottoman?!?!
ReplyDeleteThanks Jessie! The chair's a knockoff, and not leather or anything, but she's still gorgeous sitting in a corner with that table ;) I just need to find a badass lamp!
DeleteThis house is my dream house too! so amazing, WHERE IS THIS?!?!? I love it all!!!